Employee obligations are statuated in the employment contract. The employment contract imposes various obligations on the employee.
The main obligation of the employee is to work
The so-called main duty of the employee is to work. The employee does not owe any success in this, but only the pure activity. He must perform this work or activity properly (somewhat better than average) according to his own possibilities.
As an employee’s duty there are also ancillary duties
In addition to this main obligation, the employee also has so-called secondary obligations. These are, for example, the contractual prohibition of competition, the obligation not to cause any damage to the employer or the obligation to follow the employer’s instructions. The latter is generally referred to as the employer’s right of direction.
In principle, employees are clearly privileged in their liability towards the employer compared to the normal principles of the law of obligations.
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Remember that!
As employment law cases should be solved quickly, we always have an initial consultation appointment immediately. If possible on the same day, otherwise the next day. Please write us a message or call us directly. You can reach us by phone from Mo-Fr in the time from 8 am to 6pm.
Also interesting:
Duration of entitlement to unemployment benefit
The legislator has changed the period of entitlement to unemployment benefit by the third law for modern services on the labour market (Hartz III). However, due to the transitional provision in § 434 l SGB III, the change will not take effect until 01.02.2006. For employees/unemployed persons whose entitlement to unemployment benefit arises up to 31.1.2006, i.e. the unemployment must be present at the latest by 31.01.2006, § 127 SGB III in the version valid up to 31.12.2003 is to be further applied. The new version, which has been a law since 01.01.2004, therefore applies for the first time to terminations of employment relationships that were pronounced on 31.01.2006. READ OTHER
Up to 32 months of unemployment benefit under the old law
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Remember that!
As employment law cases should be solved quickly, we always have an initial consultation appointment immediately. If possible on the same day, otherwise the next day. Please write us a message or call us directly. You can reach us by phone from Mo-Fr in the time from 8 am to 6pm.